- Ferrovial
- Editorial design
- Branding
- Digital
I began my collaboration with Ferrovial in 2011, designing and laying out its corporate magazine. Number 17 was the first in which I was lucky enough to work and there are already more than 16 publications in which I’ve participated throughout all these years. In close collaboration with the Ferrovial team, we’ve been building Inforvial. A corporate magazine that has evolved and changed, adapting to new needs and trends, but always respecting the balance between strictly editorial values and the brand values of Ferrovial.
Collaborating in this magazine for more than 10 years has been a very interesting and enriching experience. As a designer, working on a product that is published regularly is really enriching. Each issue is an opportunity to try something new, with the advantage of having the experience of the previous issue. This continuity results in a constant improvement that enriches and makes the magazine evolve. This is how we started, with Inforvial, making small modifications to the original design of the magazine and, little by little, make a deeper redesign of it. All these years of work have resulted in an interesting and attractive corporate magazine for its public that conveys Ferrovial’s values.

Inforvial is a A4 format magazine that usually ranges between 48 and 64 pages. Composed of different articles and sections, which correspond to the different business areas of Ferrovial, it needs a good job organizing the content. In order to visually organize all this content, we use a color code accompanied by a set of icons that differentiate the different businesses that make up the company. Over the years, this design evolved and we stoped using the color code, making exclusive use of icons, which have been taking on more and more relevance within the design of the magazine. Another fundamental element to organize the magazine is the index. This has been evolving along the publications with the changes in the organization and variations of the content, which have been made over the years.

One of the first changes we made was to replace the Tahoma typeface, which was used at that time, with Ferrovial’s own typeface. This typography, specially designed for the corporation, gave the magazine more personality and modernity. With this typeface the headlines and highlights are much more attractive and the text blocks are cleaner and elegant, with very good readability. It was quite a hit.
The publication is bilingual, Spanish and English. This doubles the amount of text, leaving less space for photographs and graphic elements. This added difficulty, although it complicates the layout of each page, it has been an opportunity to be more creative. As a result we have obtained a more interesting and original design.

The cover has evolved to the elegant and modern design that the magazine currently presents.
The pagination has been refined and adjusted. At first it appeared on the side of the page. Looking for a cleaner and more intuitive design, we pass it to the header to finally place it at the bottom of the page with a simpler design.